Rereleased Demo + An Explanation (v0.06)

Decided to reupload the demo, along with some changes/additions including a new results screen at the end of each level!

A big part of why I deleted it initially was honestly due to the fact I needed to update the credits (for a couple reasons I won't go into), and I assumed I lost the version of the game before I started making level changes. Well, this and I felt as though without those changes finished, the demo wouldn't represent the final game well enough.

In the end however, I ended up finding the backup I needed and ultimately decided against overhauling the levels like I had planned. I'm genuinely sorry to anyone who may have been disappointed by the demo being removed, as someone who cares a lot about preservation I completely understand why it'd be frustrating. That being said though, I plan to do better with this going forward.

Also worth mentioning that I deleted the patch notes here when I took down the demo, and don't exactly feel like reposting them all as they still can be found in the README file included with the downloadable versions of the game. I am however, posting the patch notes for this new version of the demo below.

Patch Notes:

-Revamped the results screen at the end of each level, earning every star is now required for 100% completion

-The hover enemy no longer loses speed while hovering, and now floats upwards when doing so underwater

-Updated the credits


Possess Quest Demo (Windows).zip 7.2 MB
53 days ago
Possess Quest Demo (Linux).zip 10 MB
53 days ago
Possess Quest Demo (HTML5).zip Play in browser
53 days ago

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